We are on a mission to transform
the chemical industry.

Chemicals are the building blocks of nearly everything we touch and use, with more than 95% of all manufactured goods touched by chemical products.

Yet this essential industry also leaves a big footprint, responsible for 6% of global greenhouse gas emissions from energy use and direct operations.

To make the massive reductions and changes needed to align with a net-zero emissions and circular future, we need collaboration.

That’s why we started the Global Impact Coalition, a CEO-led organization that brings together some of the industry’s leading chemical companies to co-create new business models, develop proof-of-concept pilots and R&D hubs to accelerate the transformation to a low-carbon and circular future.

Our partners

At the Global Impact Coalition, we love collaboration. We are grateful to our incredible ecosystem of global partners who help us expand our reach, innovate and amplify our positive impact.

Latest news

From the GIC Community Meeting:

A renewed commitment to accelerate!

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Specialty Chemicals Magazine Article:

Leveraging collaboration for a Net Zero Chemicals future

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K-Mag Online article

Interview with CEO Charlie Tan

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CHEManager International Interview:

Using Chemistry to Create Net-Zero Value Chains

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Webinar on Chemical Industry Priorities

with EY, WEF's Head of Chemicals and Global Impact Coalition

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A new partnership between Global Impact Coalition and TNO

provides the collaboration and innovation needed to advance the chemical sector towards net-zero emissions

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Interview Of The Week:

Charlie Tan, Global Impact Coalition

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CEO at Global Impact Coalition:

Enabling net-zero transformation through collaboration

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Transformative Synergies:

A Journey to Net-Zero in the Chemical Industry

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Net-zero chemicals industry initiative relaunches as the Global Impact Coalition

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Global Chemical Companies Sign Agreement on R&D Hub

for Plastic Waste Processing Incubated by World Economic Forum

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Global Chemical Companies Collaborate in Pivotal Move to Net-Zero

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Upcoming events

21 AUG

GIC CEO Advisory Board Meeting

  • Invitation only event
  • 21 August 2024
  • Geneva
19-20 SEP

Ideation Session and Executive Committee Meeting

  • Invitation only event
  • 19-20 September 2024
  • Frankfurt
23-26 SEP

Climate Week NY 2024

  • Panel presentation on Chemical Industry Collaboration
  • 23-26 September 2024
  • New York, USA
1-2 OCT

Reuters Industrial Decarbonization NA2024

  • Conference with panel talk
  • 1-2 October 2024
  • Pittsburgh

Find out more