In our project SO-24: Sustainable Olefins, we are exploring the development of an economically viable route to sustainable olefins secured by committed offtake agreements and based on sustainable feedstocks.

To achieve Net Zero emissions, the chemical industry will need to explore and expand more routes to producing sustainable or “green” olefins. A critical source for these green olefins can come from sustainable methanol produced from CCU, biomass or waste streams. However, the chemical industry does not currently produce sustainable methanol at the levels needed to create sustainable olefins.

This is one of the reasons that today we are lacking large supplies of sustainable olefins. A scale-up of sustainable olefin production process requires significant investments and committed offtake agreements. The Global Impact Coalition is convening interested member companies to address this challenge in this working group.

GLOBAL IMPACT TOPIC: Reduce process emissions


Massive investment needed to scale-up production


Shared investment splits risks and costs among participating parties

Uncertain sustainable olefin demand makes investments risky

Offtake commitment by JV partners to supply green olefins to customers

Decreasing cracker capacity in Europe leads to reduced olefins supply

Building new olefin capacity to provide alternative supply routes,
focused on European market